Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Beauty of Life

Today marks the 39th anniversary of one of the most destructive cases against human life: Roe v. Wade. It's hard to believe that we live in a society that has accepted the killing of the most innocent human beings: the unborn. We are living amidst a culture that has accepted this but we cannot become complacent. This weekend I joined 10,000 Americans in the fight for life. We began the Dallas March for Life at the Cathedral and concluded at the courthouse. What an experience! To be surrounded by thousands of people defending the sanctity of life. Let's start this year with a respect for the unborn and stand up as the Pro-Life generation that stands firm in our protection of life. 
Dallas March for Life 2012

Washington D.C. March for Life 2011 


  1. That's awesome that Dallas had such a big event! A few of my friends made the trek up to D.C. this weekend and I'd really love to go next year.

    I love how much you are posting on your blog these days!

  2. Oh you're too kind, Amanda! I always find such inspiration in your blog :)
