Saturday, January 19, 2013

Home Away From Home

I never realized more fully than now how much God really does have everything planned out PERFECTLY. After graduating from UD in May, I really hoped to remain in Dallas and find a good job, but He had other plans for me. I reluctantly returned home and worked for eight months, saving up and enjoying quality family time. What I didn't realize at the time, however, was that home was exactly what I did want at that point in my life. The loving confines of my home in South Florida was what I needed before embarking upon my new, independent life as a young professional. There were so many life lessons that are cultivated within the home and it was just a matter of time spent with those I love that I came to understand that to the fullest. 

Come December 2012, however, God had a surprise in store for me! A job was placed in my path in Dallas, but I had no one to live with (so I thought). One evening as I was online, I messaged Becca Burns, a good friend from UD who graduated with me. Little did I know, she was actually living in a Dallas townhouse with an extra bedroom just waiting to be occupied! Before I knew it, I had a job, a beautiful place to live with a welcoming roommate and the next day a FIANCE! What a week of change it was! As of January 5, 2013 my new life in Dallas began. Here are some pictures of my favorite things in my new room: 

Antique books graciously given to me from Jake
Stationary Collection 

A few favorite reminders 
My quilt from Urban that I couldn't live without
Sweet calendar from Mama Hines 

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