Saturday, January 19, 2013

All Things New

Welcoming in the Change 

Hello blog, I'm back! Please forgive my negligence from your viewing, I promise I have not forgotten about you. But a lot has been happening in my life since we last spoke. If you notice my new blog title, I am dedicating this blog to "All things New" in my life and those surrounding me. The year 2013 has already brought me such great joy in the changes occurring, I figure it's only fitting. I invite you to join me in this walk, a joyful year filled with all things new! I hope that you can find great comfort in my words as I share with you some of my little, sometimes seemingly mundane, moments in life that I would like to capture and share. 

Recently someone shared with me something so providential. He said, "What is it holding us back from life's greatest adventures? On our tombstone one day there will be two dates separated by a dash. What do you hope to be marked within that seemingly insignificant dash?" What will be held within my dash that I want the world to know? Just wanted to share that with ya'll, because it has resonated with me all week. I want to find life's greatest treasures and share them with those I love and cherish and I hope you will do the same. Smile because you are alive! 

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