Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Royal Wedding

This April 29 will commence the a royal wedding between Prince William of Wales and Catherine Middleton. Her Majesty the Queen has just recently given her formal consent to the marriage. Under the Royal Marriages Act of 1772, all descendants of King George II must obtain the Sovereign's stamp of approval before being wed. Under the Great Seal of the Realm, the Queen signed her approval. The white lily on the stamp of approval represents the feast day of St. Catherine of Siena, falling on the day of the wedding & coincidentally sharing the name of Miss Middleton. 

 The royal wedding will be far from a modest ceremony; many British people are viewing the ceremony as an official public holiday! The Archbishop of Canterbury will marry the couple in the Westminister Abbey. Following the reception they will go by glass carriage to the Buckingham Palace to join the Queen and guests for a "quaint" reception. A private dinner later that evening will be held in the Palace, concluding the wedding festivities. 

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