Monday, February 4, 2013

The wonderful gift of love

This past weekend I was blessed to have spent possibly the most memorable night of my life with those I love. Seven of my best friends threw Jake & I an engagement party to celebrate our upcoming wedding and wonderful past year we've spent together. I will blog more about the night in the next few days, but I just wanted to share the overwhelming sense of love I was overcome with throughout the evening. Aside from the time, energy and creativity that went into the party was something that I think that our society is neglecting to fully embrace: love. As dear friends and sisters stepped up, toasting the love they have for both Jake & my relationship, I couldn't help but smile at the joy it brought me. My sister of a friend (and bridesmaid) Adrienne said something so wonderful that has remained etched on my heart these last few days. Concluding her toast to us she remarked, "Jake, I love you for loving Emily so." Something so beautiful to hear come from the mouth of a dear friend as one welcomes a soon-to-be husband of another. What a blessing it is to have those close to me to share in the love I have found in Jake and the marriage we are preparing for. Thank you to all those who have shared yourselves with us & continue to help us along the way as we begin to share our lives together.